Warlock timewalking mage tower
Warlock timewalking mage tower


This Mage Tower Challenge for many Ranged DPS Specializations Affliction Warlock, Balance Druid, Frost Mage, Marksmanship Hunter, and Shadow Priest is focused on burst DPS, cooldown timings, interrupting, and a little bit of add management. i will no go farm old stuff hell no, hahahhahaha. Thwarting the Twins: a Legion Timewalking Mage Tower Guide for DPS. I know ppl will go crazy on this bc the mount, but hell no. Basically means the safest thing to do is skip the double-length celebratory first event and see what happens. I expect them to do the same here, so I'm not doing the preparation, which probably means they won't nerf it this time. Demonology Warlock Mage Tower - Legion Timewalking 3,500 views 75 Dislike Calabag 1.04K subscribers We go over the encounter for the Demonology Warlock Timewalking Mage Tower.


In Shadowlands beta it seemed like there was a good way to get a speed set for legacy raid farming, and after I collected a few full sets in preparation for Shadowlands they suddenly nerfed the critical thing that made it work, so it was wasted time. Problem with Blizzard is the schroedinger's effect of preparing for things like this in advance.

warlock timewalking mage tower

You both are gonna have a bad time, if the PTR tuning was any indication :) Comment by Soeroah on T11:36:42-06:00 In this guide, we highlight the rewards for the Timewalking version of the Mage Tower.


It’s not a problem that you can get 25 such gems Comment by Anshlun on T09:28:27-06:00 With the Legion expansion running its course, the Mage Tower, as well as its rewards, became unobtainable, but a Timewalking version of the Mage Tower challenge is returning in Patch 9.1.5 with Legion Timewalking. The mage tower looks way too overwhelming if we need to do all this in such a short amount of time. Expecting it to be walk in park now considering warlock has baseline slow. Massive guide! ty team Comment by lifekills on T08:57:05-06:00ĭid affliction warlock mage tower back in legion in first day without slow legendary and without using any bugs. There are seven encounters available, and your specialization will determine which challenge you'll face. There, at Deliverance Point, you'll be able to enter the tower and engage in a challenge meant to test your skills. And also we all know that if they had just banned all the old stuff instead to ensure that players didn't need to do any of this, people would have then complained about how you can't make use of old stuff. Travel to the Broken Isles and reach the Broken Shore from Dalaran.

warlock timewalking mage tower

That unique gem shenanigans makes me think that there's going to be a lot of people complaining about how you need to use all these outdated gems and enchants and whatever to succeed.

Warlock timewalking mage tower